Welcome to Christ the King Parish website. More information link
Christ the King Parish consists of ‘Christ the King and Our Lady of Lourdes’ and ‘St Augustine’s’ based in Coundon, Coventry. Whether you are searching, visiting or simply renewing your faith we hope you find what you are looking for. Please always feel welcome to introduce yourself and to come and have a talk with us. Thank You and God Bless You. Fr Tom Farrell, Parish Priest.
Dear Parishioners, please continue to keep Deacon Pat Flanagan and his family in your prayers. Funeral arrangements have now been made. Deacon Pat’s Funeral Reception will be on Thursday, 27th February at 6pm and his Requiem Mass will be on Friday 28th February at 12 noon.
We had a lovely visit to India, visiting Fr Dominic and seeing the wonderful work that he does for the “St Mary’s Charitable Trust”. There is a wonderful school, boarding house and medical centre, which offers care to local people in a very poor area. This is open to Christians and non-Christians alike and is a wonderful example of Gospel Outreach. We will put together a little presentation for you to enjoy on the parish website and that you have some more information. Thanks to all the parishioners who have been supporters of this good work. My thanks to Deacon Ketih for coming with me and to Fr Peter Smith for helping in the parish while I was away. Thanks also to Fr Benedict for running the parish.
This week we have half term and I hope that all those involved in the schools will have a well deserved break. After half term, we will resume our lessons for those at non-Catholic schools preparing for the Sacraments. This will be on Tuesday 25th February at 4.00pm. We also have our Reconciliation Meetings for parents at Christ the King on Wednesday 26th February at 6.30pm and for St Augustine’s on Thursday 27th February at 4.30pm.
The Catholicism Course continues on Wednesday 26th February at 7.00pm in the Library after the half term break….Fr Tom
This week’s newsletter 16 February
Annual Parish Report 2023/24 link
Older Newsletters link. Coventry & Nuneaton Deanery link
Live Streaming link
Centenary Mass of the Knights of St Columba 10 January 2025 link
Guidance for Eurcharistic Ministers September 2024 link
An Introduction to the Catholicism Course link next meeting 12th February – Marriage.
Dates for Sacraments
Dates for the Sacraments are First Holy Communion, St Augustine’s on Saturday 10th May and for Christ the King on Saturday, 17th May 2025. First Confessions will be on Wednesday, 19th March for Christ the King at 6.00pm and at St Augustine’s on Thursday 20th March at 4.30pm. Confirmations will be Saturday 7th June for Christ the King and Saturday 14th June for St Augustine’s.
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Christ the King is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity No. 234216