Reaching Out
We are able to offer pastoral support to people through various groups including the Pastoral Care Group, Bereavement Team, Marriage Care, Life, Justice and Peace, Legion of Mary, St Vincent de Paul, Knights of St Columba, and the Pioneers. We are a Fair Trade Parish.Fair Trade Tea and Coffee is now offered in the Library after every Mass.
Please see Contact Details for more information about the various groups within the parish.
Pastoral Care Group
The Pastoral Care Group are volunteers who visit people that are sick or housebound or live in Care Homes. They visit both Catholics and Non-Catholics on request and in a spirit of trust and confidentiality. It is typically a short, friendly and regular visit. All Pastoral Care volunteers have been CRB checked and carry an identity card. Parishioners who are no longer able to join the community for Sunday Mass welcome a visit and so feel connected to our Parish. As volunteers they value their ministry and find it very rewarding. If you know anyone who would like a visit please let them know as they would be delighted to make arrangements.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
Bereavement Team
The Bereavement Team are volunteers who are available to visit and support those who have been bereaved. The team are a small discreet group of specially trained parishioners who offer a confidential listening ear and an opportunity to share some of your grief.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
Marriage Care
Coventry Marriage Care is one of 60 centres across the country which supports marriage by providing Marriage Preparation courses and counselling support to couples or individuals with relationship problems.
Getting married? Planning the church, the dress, the flowers, the honeymoon? Have you thought about the next 50 plus years? Marriage Care offers Marriage Preparation courses usually in partnership with the parish and courses are held either at 13 Stoney Road or in parish centres.
One of our parishioners arranges the local course for Marriage Care and the parish centre is often used as a venue for these courses.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
Justice and Peace
The group aims to raise awareness of justice and peace issues and to take action when and where appropriate. Formed in 2007 they started the Fair Trade shop in Christ the King and St Augustine’s. The parish has obtained Fair Trade status. They support CAFOD campaigns, for example the Climate Change cards sent to the Prime Minister and the Live Simply Campaign. The parish has sent donations of food to the Peace House in Coventry which supports destitute asylum seekers and has collected items to send to the Coventry Churches Refugee Centre. At Christmas the group encourages parishioners to send cards to Prisoners of Conscience and messages to Christians in Bethlehem. In the summer they organise a collection of school uniforms for children of asylum seekers.
The group meet once a month in the Library. New members are welcome.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary meets in the library every Monday at 7pm, and you are most welcome to join them. The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland on 7 September 1921. It is a lay Catholic organisation whose members give service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. The objective of the Legion of Mary is to glorify God through the holiness of its members, developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary and the Church’s work. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
The Pioneers
The CTK Pioneers meet in the parish library every month and support the work of the parish.
Last year the Pioneer Hall in Broad Street which is the Pioneers Coventry base was renovated. The Hall is used in conjunction with Momentum Care who provide a Day Care Centre used by many of our Parishioners.
The Parish Group are currently involved in celebrating fifty years of the meeting in Coventry and the associated establishment of the Pioneer Hall.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
The Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
Locally we are proud of our own SVP Group, and all the proceeds from the paper stall support them. Jim Curtis, on the newspaper stall, can give you more information and says that they are always looking for new volunteers. The Saint Vincent de Paul Society has an excellent website communicating the work they do. In short, the Society aims to help anyone in need locally.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
The Knights of St Columba
The Knights meet every month and provide great support to the wider Catholic community. As well as fundraising for many good causes the Knights offer practical help at all the major diocesan and deanery events.
Please see Contact Details for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who need help. If you seem to be having trouble with your drinking, or if your drinking has reached the point of where it worries you, you may be interested to know something about Alcoholics Anonymous and the AA programme of recovery from alcoholism.
The Parish host a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous every Friday from 12.30pm to 2.00pm in the Library.
The Presbytery flat is also used to offer accommodation for up to six months to people seeking to stop their alcohol dependence. Over the last few years a good number have benefitted from this facility.
Please see Contact Details for more information.