
3D tour

Christ the King Church General Photos

Christ the King Coventry

Centenary Mass of the Order of the Knights of St Columba

Centenary Mass of the Order of the Knights of St Columba

Fr Tom 40th – Meeting the Pope

Meeting the Pope


Sunday weekend Masses –  22 October 2023

Sunday Masses at Christ the King & St Augustine's Coventry

Thanksgiving Mass on the Occasion of the 40th Jubilee of Fr Dominic Kavanagh inc Fr Tom – Monday 3 July 2023

Thanksgiving Mass on the Occasion of the 40th Jubilee of Fr Dominic Kavanagh

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Christ the King – June 3 2022

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Christ the King - Coventry

Christ the King Organ

CTK Organ

Pioneer Mass and Presentations Friday 17 December 2021Pioneer Mass and Presentations Friday 17 December 2021

Fr Tom @60

Ctk Pastoral Care Group Community Lunch 040618

Sister Anne Bagnall

Mrs E Burnett former Junior School Head Teacher receiving the Bene Merenti Papal decoration from Canon Tom Farrell – 11 March 2018

Christ the King 11th March 2018

School Mass 30/1/2018

Christ the King School Mass

Confirmations 2018  CTK School 12noon

Confirmations 2018  CTK School 10.30am

Confirmations 2018 St Augustine’s School

Fr Andy Franklin Presentation 29/10/2017
Fr Andrew Franklin CTK Presentation

CTK OneLifeMusic 091016

CTK OneLifeMusic 091016

CTK May 2016


Fr Eamon Clarke Requiem Mass CTK on 20 April 2016

Fr Eamon Clarke Requiem Mass CTK on 20 April 2016

Fr Eamon Clarke Reception into CTK on 19 April 2016

Fr Eamon Clarke Reception into CTK on 19 April 2016

Fr Calrke 75th Birthday

Fr Clarke & Friends at Christ the King 75th Anniversary

Jimmy Mitchell

Jimmy Mitchell at Christ the King, Coventry

Christ the King Football Club 70th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass 22/1/16

Christ the King Football Club 70th Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass 22/1/16