Parish Groups

Youth Groups
The parish has two thriving youth groups known as Youth Group and Youth Café. The youth groups meet on Tuesdays and over 100 young people are regular members. The groups are led by Carmel Keane assited by a very dedicated team of trained Youth Leaders. The meetings end with night prayer comprising of both music and prayer which is led by the young people. They have been involved with Confirmation and Communion retreat days at the parish primary schools and with preparations for the new translation of the Mass. They enjoy regular outings and events. They link up with other groups in Coventry, Warwickshire, and the wider diocese. The group helps with the Lourdes pilgrimage, World Youth Day events, and the Christmas and Easter parties for the sick and housebound. They are also involved in National Youth Sunday events and support the liturgy at various Masses throughout the year.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Brownies and Guides
There are groups at both St Augustine’s and Christ the King. They follow the framework of the Brownies and Guides Association. They have regular events and camping trips. They attend church for parades throughout the year.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

The Toddler Group
Christ the King Toddler Group began in 2008 when it was suggested there should be something in the parish for parents and their young children. The group is for children aged from birth to 4 to have fun and mix with other children. It’s also an opportunity for parents, grandparents and child-minders to socialise with other parents and carers. The children do lots of activities including playing with toys, jigsaws, drawing, colouring, play dough, card making, gluing and sticking, outdoor play and song time. Tea and coffee is provided for adults and the children have juice and biscuits at snack time, as well as healthy alternatives. A small donation each week covers the cost of refreshments and resources and any extra money is donated to a charity agreed by the group.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Boxing Club
The boxing club started on 3rd October 2012 at St Augustine’s Sports Centre. It has proved very popular and has grown from the initial sessions on Wednesday and Thursday to now meeting 4 times a week for boys with extra training on Saturday and Sunday. An average of 50 boys attend each session, and there is also a ladies boxing session too. See “What’s on” page 29, for more details.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Christ the King Football Club
From the club website it says “…committed to developing quality football in a community environment.….”  Christ the King Juniors FC The club continues to field the most teams of any local football club with 21 teams competing this season. These range from Under 8s to Youth level and below Under 11s are open to mixed gender. On Saturday morning the club runs Community Coaching sessions at Bablake Playing Fields ground for Reception through to Year 2 children. These are proving to be very popular and it is great way to introduce young children to sport, teamwork and fitness. The club continues to offer a strong link between the parish and the district, although all denominations are welcome to play, and is a strong example of the benefits of community investment.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Italian Classes
The aim of the Italian class is to learn enough to make a holiday in Italy a bit more enjoyable. It cover topics such as ordering in a restaurant, booking accommodation, asking for directions to places, shopping etc.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Mercia Friendship Club
The Mercia Friendship Club is for the over 50’s. It meets every Thursday, in the school term, from 1pm to 3pm in the Community Centre. Entrance costs 50p per person. This covers a cup of tea and biscuits, companionship and a variety of entertainment. It is a social club and starts with prayers for the sick and sorrowful of the parish. If they know a member is sick they visit with a card and a gift. Also if a member is missing for an extended period a phone call is made to keep in touch. A weekly raffle enables the club to subsidise a meal for all the members around Christmas time and send donations to the Myton Hospice, Macmillan Nurses and Mary’s Meals.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Walking Club
This started in February 2013, meeting on Sunday afternoon’s at 3pm in the church car park. All are welcome to join us for a Sunday afternoon walk.  There are now about thirty regular walkers. The club was the basis for the successful walking pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. The group is well organised by Mike and Pat Green and walkers receive an email each week with planned route, time and distance.

Please see Contact Details for more information.

Crochet Club
Started in 2012 for adults, meeting during term time on Wednesday afternoons 1.30 to 3pm.

Please see Contact Details for more information.