Jesus and the Gospels series of talks (Talks 1-21)
1. What are the Gospels
2 Introduction to The Synoptic Gospels
3. Introduction to St. John’s Gospel
4. Jesus and John the Baptist
5. Jesus Chooses His Close Disciples
6. Jesus Healing Miracles
7. Jesus Non Healing Miracles
8. Jesus Moral Teaching
9. The Parables of Jesus
10 The Nativity story in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
11 The Kingdom in the Gospels
12 Jesus and the Pharisees and Sadducees
13. The Significance of the Transfiguration
14. Jesus’ Creation of the Church
15. Women in the Gospels
16. The Importance of Palm Sunday
17. The Eucharist in the Gospels
18. The Passion Narrative in the Synoptic Gospels
19. The Passion Narrative in St John’s Gospel
20. The Resurrection of Jesus
21 The Gospels, Evangelisation, Faith and Belief
The Bible and Our Faith series of talks (Talks 1-21)
1. God Revelation Scripture
2.The Word of God or the Words of People
3. Not A Book More A Series of Books
4. Evolution or Creation
5. Original Sin – Really a Sin
6. What has Abraham’s Covenant Got to do with Jesus
7. What is God’s Law
8.What Do Prophets Do
9. Who is the Suffering Servant
10. That is The Messiah
11. Why do the Good Suffer
12. Fulfilment of Prophecies
13. Can Prayer Bribe God
14. Jesus and the Eucharist
15. Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross
16. What is More important for our Salvation our Faith or our Deeds
17. What is Meant by Grace
18. The Prime Place of Love
19. A Revitalised Role for Women
20. Difficult Sayings of Jesus
21. Death Where is thy Sting
Non-Pauline Letters (Talks 1-4)/Revelation of St John (5-6)/Biblical themes (7-14)/Catholic Theology (17-25)
1. The Three Letters of John 12. Salvation Through Jesus 1 From What and How
2. The Two Letters of Peter and the Letter of Jude
3. The Letter of James
4. The Letter to the Hebrews
5 Part 1 The nature of Apocalypse and the Structure and Symbolism of Revelation 12 size
6. Part 2 Interpreting and Trying to Interpret the Book of Revelation 12 size
7. A Brief Outline of O.T. History and Theology
8. A Child is a Sign of God’s Love – a Blessed Gift
9. An Introduction to the Book of Psalms
10. Sin Temptation Goodness What Do These Really Mean
11. Original Sin – How Should we Understand This Difficult Truth of Faith
12. Salvation Through Jesus 1 From What and How
13. Salvation Through Jesus 2 A New Life in Christ
14.Salvation Through Jesus 3 Our Response Must Be Love
15. Jesus Christ True God and True Man – tracing the develpoment
16. The Holy Trinity -the Great Truth and Mystery of our Faith
17. The Holy Trinity as the Essence of the Catholic Church
18. Why the Sacraments are so special
19. Baptism – First Sacrament of Initiation
20. The Eucharist- Supreme Sacrament and Source of the Sacramental Life
21. Confirmation – Sacrament of Initiation into the World
22. The Sacrament of Penance – Bringing us back to God
23. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
24. The Sacrament of Holy Orders 3 levels of ordained ministry
25. The Sacrament of Marriage – A Truly Holy Dimension